Flat organization

When Culture is your Product

Culture is a multi-level phenomenon and really hard to describe for most organizations. But here at Pingala, we have made it our mission to not only describe a culture ... we live it on a daily basis.

Culture IS our product ...

... and we understand that the products and services we deliver, may also be delivered by many other fine organizations. However, we consider ourselves blessed by the courage to do things differently and be slightly different from our competitors. We have no middle management and no extra cost bearing administrative  functions. What we do have, is one manager and a lot of leadership in the rest of us. We share the tasks of running the company and helping our customers at the same time. 

In this article series, we invite you in to read about how we developed our organization into something otherwise not seen in the business. We hope you will enjoy and understand why Pingala's unique culture can make the difference for you. If you want to hear about it in stead, you may listen to our podcast series here

ENJOY and maybe also look at our Culture & Purpose page here and if you want to watch a testimonial of how working at Pingala is like, then watch the below video

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