Antony Prabhath

Senior Functional Consultant
+97 15 06 31 19 50

I am a motivated and excited professional still exploring the worlds of ERP

Armed with 15+ years of experience in ERP industry and multiple years of exposure in IT (Offshore management, Customer end etc) areas and walks of life both as a leader and a follower; I am eager to explore more in the world of business. Consulting has always been an area of great interest and mystery for me.

Academically, I was very ambitious in acquiring higher educations. Although, I started job after my graduation in IT, I continued my studies along with my professional life. I have done Masters in Computer Applications (MCA). Besides this, I am also holding another post-graduation in Business Administration (MBA).

I have broadened the base of my knowledge from various industries like Manufacturing, Construction Management, Financials, Human Resource Management which has helped me understand the functioning of the market and organizations. I also have supplemented my career with various leadership activities and participation in multiple arenas which have helped me perceive and understand the functioning and operation of world and people as a whole.

My experience in working both individually and as a team in Pingala is something I am very proud of. Though I had the opportunity to do coding and programming many years of years ago, I believe the base I built there would be highly important in. These array of skills, I believe, would be a valuable asset in Pingala and to its customers.

I strongly believe in taking the customer into confidence by delivering quality results, being transparent which can lead to great customer satisfaction. Supplementing my skills and experiences, I believe I am doing an excellent career at Pingala.


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